Critical Skills List: An Essential Occupations Guide


The Critical Skills Work Visa is the most sought-after visa aimed at skilled foreign national professionals whose skills have been identified as critical or scarce in South Africa. It allows qualified individuals to work in occupations identified as critical to South Africa’s economic development and growth. Eligibility for the visa is dependent on the Applicant’s occupation appearing on the Critical Skills List. The List includes professions in fields such as engineering, medicine, finance, and sciences, among others.


You immediately qualify for permanent residency once you have been offered permanent employment in an occupation that appears on the Critical Skills List.

Valid for up to 5 (five) years.

Can be renewed in South Africa.

The spouse and dependents of the Critical Skills Work Visa holder are eligible for accompanying dependent visas.


  • You immediately qualify for permanent residency once you have been offered permanent employment in an occupation that appears on the Critical Skills List.
  • Valid for up to 5 (five) years.
  • Can be renewed in South Africa.
  • The spouse and dependants of the Critical Skills Work Visa holder are eligible for accompanying dependant visas.

It is a requirement to submit along with your application for a Critical Skills Visa a formal offer of employment and/or a validly executed contract of employment with a South African entity.

Yes, dependents such as your spouse and children can apply for accompanying visas or alternatively study visas depending on your family’s specific needs.

SAQA evaluates and verifies your foreign qualifications to ensure they meet South African standards. This is a critical step in your visa application process.

Yes, you can apply for a change of status to a Critical Skills Visa from within South Africa, provided your current visa allows for status changes and you meet the requirements.

Your profession must be listed on the official Critical Skills List published by the Department of Home Affairs. This list is updated periodically and includes fields such as ICT, engineering, healthcare, and finance. Check the latest list to confirm eligibility. Please see a link to the latest Critical Skills List here: Immigration Act: Regulations: Critical skills list

The visa is typically valid for up to five years. It can be renewed before expiration if you continue to meet the requirements. The Critical Skills Visa also offers a formal pathway to Permanent Residence.

Yes, the visa is granted based on your qualifications and experience in a critical skill. Additionally, it is required in terms of the Immigration Act, 2002 that you adhere to the conditions attached to your visa at all times, such as being employed within a specific designation with a specific employer.

Processing times vary depending on the volume of applications and the completeness of your submission. It typically takes 6–8 weeks, but delays may occur.

How will the new regulations published by the DHA on 09 October impact my application?

Breakdown of the Points-Based System

The Department of Home Affairs have gazetted new Regulations on 09 October 2024, which will impact the adjudication of Critical Skills Work Visa applications submitted after 09 October 2024.

All Critical Skills Work Visa applications will now be adjudicated under the points-based system. To qualify, an applicant must instead score a minimum of 100 points. Points are earned through various criteria including qualification, gross salary per annum, years of work experience, Trusted Employer status and language proficiency (table included hereunder).

Applicants for a Critical Skills Work Visa, will immediately earn 100 points through their occupation listed on the critical skills list.

 CriteriaPoints (%)CriteriaPoints (%)
Occupation:Occupation on Critical Skills List100  
Qualifications:NQF levels 9 and 1050NQF levels 7 and 830
Offer of Employment (Mandatory):Above R976,194 gross per annum50Between R650,976 and R976,194 gross per anum20
Work Experience:5 – 10 years2010+ years30
Employment Status:Offer from Trusted Employer30  
Language Skills:Proficient in at least one official language10  


A Ministerial Waiver was also granted for Critical Skills Work Visas, in response to the significant delays experienced by Applicants in obtaining SAQA evaluation certificates. Applicants who can provide proof of submission of an application made to SAQA of the evaluation of their foreign qualifications, will be eligible to apply for a Critical Skills Work Visa, which will be issued for a period of 12 months. Once the SAQA evaluation is successfully completed and submitted, the visa may be renewed for the full 5-year period, offering greater certainty and flexibility to foreign professionals.


The Critical Skills Work Visa is the most sought-after visa aimed at skilled foreign national professionals whose skills have been identified as critical or scarce in South Africa.

Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, the previous Minister of Home Affairs, gazetted the latest Critical Skills List on 3 October 2023 (Government Gazette No. 49402 of 3 October 2023. This has been welcomed with open arms by corporations across South Africa, which may now fulfil the country’s objective of luring foreign professionals and sought-after critical skills. South Africa’s Critical Skills Work Visa offers freedom and opportunities to live and work in South Africa.

The South African Critical Skills Work Visa is issued for periods of up to five years and may be renewed, while also offering a pathway to permanent residency.

Should you qualify under the available positions in the 2023 Critical Skills List, available for download below, please contact us to facilitate your prospective application. Our team of experts will manage the entire process, allowing for a smooth and effective application process.

The South African Critical Skills List 2023: What’s Changed from the previous list published on 02 August 2022?

The Critical Skills DHET Technical Report

Whilst the methods to which the Critical Skills List came about are noteworthy, there are particular points of interest in the technical report that impacts the process of applying for a Critical Skills Work Visa, leaving some with the uncertainty of how to approach a Critical Skills Work Visa application.

Foreign applicants need to adhere to the guidelines set out in the technical report when compiling their applications for a Critical Skills Work Visa as the report is concise in its description of what the Department of Home Affairs will be considering when adjudicating such applications.

The South African Critical Skills List 2023: What’s Changed from the previous list published on 02 August 2022?

Veterinarian – NQF 8

Veterinary Nurse – NQF 6 or 7

The new categories and Critical Skills work visa qualifying components may make the application procedure more onerous. Throughout your immigration journey, our immigration specialists can help you navigate these challenges and guide you through out the process.


The occupation of “University Lecturer” no longer requires SAQA professional body registration, but a letter of support from the Dean or Head of the Faculty or School or University Registrar.  The following occupations have also been added to the List:

The Xpatweb 2023/2024 Critical Skills Survey Report Updates


Xpatweb offers a premium service, specifically to corporate entities and professionals, from identifying the category of visa best suited to the prospective employee, through to the compiling of a fully compliant application for submission, in the most efficient and timely manner.
Our diverse and skilled team of professionals possesses extensive expertise within the industry, uniquely positioning us to deliver exceptional services tailored to the specific needs of your business. We are committed to ensuring a positive and seamless experience throughout the immigration process. With a multi-disciplinary approach, we provide relevant and top-notch services, employing the optimal strategies to navigate the complexities of immigration. Trust us to guide you through the intricacies of the immigration landscape, ensuring a smooth and successful journey.
Xpatweb actively engages contributions to the formulation of the Critical Skills List specifically. We run the annual critical skills survey among large multinationals and corporates in South Africa. The survey is the most prominent of its kind with the purpose of identifying pressure points concerning the shortage of critical skills experienced across industries. Our latest survey reveals the top 10 skills in demand for 2023/24.
To see the latest results of our annual Critical Skills Survey, please see the link below:


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