Visa Categories | Xpatweb

Visa Categories

Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)

Applications for temporary residence were known or referred to as ‘permits’, however following the Immigration law change in 2014, these ‘permits’ are now to be known as ‘visas’.

Short term visas:

Long term visas:

As a first step, a careful assessment of your specific case will be required – such as review of your CV, qualifications and employment in South Africa (where applicable). Once we have reviewed the documents we will advise on which work visa category you would qualify for. Please feel free to contact us if you require assistance hereon.

Any initial temporary residence visa is required to be filed within your home country or country of temporary residence. Generally temporary residence visas are renewable in South Africa, however this is dependent on the conditions as endorsed on your visa.

Dependent on which work visa category you are applying for –

Short term work visa: 2 – 3 weeks end to end and dependent on availability of documents/urgency.
General Work visa: 3 – 6 months end to end (inclusive of Waiver / Department of Labour processes).
Critical Skills work visa: 2 – 3 months end to end, dependent on the availability of Police Clearance Certificates, professional body registration and SAQA evaluation.
Intra Company Transfer: Up to 2 months end to end and dependent on the availability of documentation.

* end-to-end: from date of payment to receiving the visa


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