Unabridged birth certificates scrapped in time for festive season

Unabridged birth certificates scrapped in time for festive season

As the festive season approaches, the department of home affairs will scrap regulations requiring parents travelling with minors to present an unabridged birth certificate at ports of entry. Speaking at a media briefing on Tuesday, Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba said minors will still require the consent of both parents to leave the country. Children […]

Resident Expert - What are the advantages of permanent residency?

Resident Expert: What are the Advantages of Permanent Residency?

If you are an expatriate in South Africa, applying for a work permit can be a time-consuming process. This leads many to ask whether it is more beneficial to apply for permanent residency sooner. We found that there can be a significant upside; however, depending on the complexities, there may also be adverse consequences.