Mozambique Work Visas | Xpatweb

Mozambique Work Visa

A work visa is designed for foreign workers to take up employment in Mozambique. The visa is issued for a single entry and includes residency for thirty (30) days. This may be extended for up to one (1) year in country. It requires a work authorization issued by the Directorate of Labour in the province where the work is expected to take place. Long-term work authorizations can be issued for a period of two (2) years and various options available depending on the local registered entity’s available quotas.

Three stage process

Applications must be made prior to entering Mozambique

Valid for up to 1 year

Short Term 7 Weeks/Long Term 12-16 weeks

Why Us

Xpatweb has an experienced and dedicated team of immigration specialists, master tax practitioners, commercial attorneys, chartered accountants and mobility practitioners. Our team ensures hassle-free and smooth application processes with the least involvement of applicants and efficiently deals with large volumes in the quickest turnaround time. Our team is designed to support you before and after your arrival in Mozambique.

Required Documents

The following quintessential documents are required to be submitted interalia with the application –

  • Proof of qualifications
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Employment contract
  • Motivational letter
  • Work authorization approved by Labour Directorate
  • Certificate of discharge issued by the Ministry of Finance (Tax Department)
  • Certificate of discharge issued by the Institute of Social Security
  • Police Clearance Certificate authenticated by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mozambique diplomatic mission


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