Xpatweb hosted an exclusive address by the newly appointed Minister, Dr. Leon Schreiber, where he shared his vision for the Department of Home Affairs and outlined his plans for leading the Department. The event provided an opportunity for business leaders and investors to engage with the Minister and participate in meaningful discussions about South Africa’s future direction.


Dr. Leon Schreiber
Minister of Home Affairs

Keynote Address


Dr Leon Schreiber is the Minister of Home Affairs for the Republic of South Africa and a Member of Parliament for the Democratic Alliance. Prior to his appointment as Minister in June 2024, he served as Shadow Minister of Public Service and Administration, as a Whip in the National Assembly, and as Strategy and Communications Advisor to the Leader of the Opposition.

Before he was first elected to Parliament in May 2019, Minister Schreiber worked as a Senior Research Specialist at Princeton University’s Innovations for Successful Societies programme, where he conducted research in numerous African and Asian countries on how to build and reform government institutions. He earned his Doctorate in Political Science, magna cum laude, from the Free University of Berlin in 2015, after completing Master’s, Honour’s and Bachelor’s degrees in International Studies and Political Science at Stellenbosch University. He matriculated from Paul Roos Gymnasium and grew up in the Namaqualand region of the Northern Cape.

Dr Schreiber has an extensive publication record, including his 2018 book Coalition Country, as well as policy papers, journal publications and press articles.

He has been recognized with multiple awards, including being named one of the Mail & Guardian’s Top 200 Young South Africans in 2017. He was the 2015 runner-up in the St Gallen Wings of Excellence Award for young leaders, and received a European Commission Scholarship Award for his doctoral studies.

David O’Sullivan
Host & MC

Phindiwe Mbhele
Director of Corporate Accounts at the Department of Home Affairs

Marisa Jacobs
Managing Director of Xpatweb


The Minister’s address provided valuable insights into the evolving regulatory landscape in South Africa, setting the stage for a thought-provoking afternoon. 
During his keynote address, he emphasised the following: 

  • Prioritising dignity for employees, citizens, and travelers.

  • Positioning the DHA as an economic enabler for growth and job creation.

  • Addressing visa backlog and automation to improve efficiency.

  • Collaboration with private sector to clear backlog by December this year.

  • Commitment to addressing rejections and inconsistencies in applications.


It was a great honor to have the opportunity to engage with you and discuss such meaningful topics. Your feedback and insights were invaluable, and I truly appreciate.  The engagement was incredibly productive, and I am thankful for the chance to participate in such a meaningful discussion. The photos from the event beautifully capture the essence of our collaboration.  Thank you once again.

Embassy of Mexico in South Africa

Thank you so much for both organizing the wonderful event, and photos/news sharing.  We are looking forward for a deeper collaboration with you to smoothen our colleagues VISA application.


Thank you for the well planned and informative event.


Thank you so much for inviting me and my colleagues to such an interesting Event.

I and my colleagues really admired your strong relationship with the DHA, but also impressed to see how the new Minister is committing to foreign expats (remarkable to see he spend the whole afternoon with you and us, while so easy to imagine how busy he should be under his new position) !!

I really trust in this South Africa’s beautiful bright future, nicely reformed with full dignity


I would like to thank you again for the invitation, I really enjoyed meeting all of the XpatWeb staff and it was a pleasure to meet you.

I came away with a much more positive outlook on the DHA, and the plans going forward!

Luso Global Mining

Thanks Marisa, for all the hospitality during my 2 visits to your offices. Please let us give a chance to host you as well!

HBZ Bank

We left this session with optimism and hope that the future of DHA is heading in the right direction to support the much-needed economic growth our Country needs.

Also thank you for sharing the link to the news articles this event featured in, much appreciated.


It was such a lovely gesture to learn who else was in the room. I cannot tell you how encouraged I was from hearing the Minister and DG.

I really want to thank you for everything that your excellent organisation does for us as Standard Bank, that enables our amazing people to move around and be available to provide their expertise in SA and other jurisdictions. This is how we grow this business and ensure its smooth running.  Really well done for running such an excellent and professional organisation.

Standard Bank

It was really great! Well done to you and the team!


As you may be aware – I’ve been to so many events during my professional career.  May I say that your event has been one of the best events that I have attended in South Africa!  Congratulations!

British Chamber of Business in South Africa

Baie dankie vir julle! Dit was great en dankie dat ons al 3 kon gekom het. Julle doen baie goeie positiewe werk vir ons land!


Thank you so much for extending an invitation to the Embassy. The Lunch with Minister and Mr. Mbele was extremely insightful for us as we have an interest in the TES.

Embassy of Japan

It was such a pleasure attending the event last week, thank you again for extending the invite

Sumitomo Corporation

Thank you Marisa, it was a wonderful event.


To capture the essence of the event, we have compiled a collection of images highlighting the key moments from the afternoon.

Picture Download Pin: 4085