WHITE PAPER: Home affairs in bid to revamp migration setup

The Department of Home Affairs has put forward ambitious new proposals to revamp SA’s migration system to curb economic migration, while also attracting skills.

The department believes the cost of the revamp will be money well spent.

The department is due to present a white paper on international migration to the Cabinet this week. Among the proposals are delinking residency and citizenship and the introduction of long-term visas based on a points and skills system.

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There has been announced that (ex-) Minister of the Department of Home Affairs, Malusi Gigaba has now been replaced with ex-Deputy Minister of Telecommunications and Postal Services, Hlengiwe Mkhize during the Cabinet reshuffle on Thursday, 30 March 2017.

Minister Malusi Gigaba will now be taking over the role of Mr Pravin Gordhan as the new Finance Minister.

4 616 Permanent Residency Applications Pending

According to a notice issued by the Department of Home Affairs on 17 March 2017, there is a total of 4 616 Permanent Residency application received by the Department prior to 2 June 2014 that remain pending.

Remedies are available to these candidates, should you require intervention on your long pending Permanent Residency application please get in touch with us.


Home Affairs turn screws on migrants: Changes five Acts‚ border processing centres‚ citizen panel

The Department of Home Affairs will push ahead with plans to establish border processing centres for refugees‚ as part of sweeping legislative changes to SA’s immigration regime that will also redefine processes leading to citizenship.

Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba said on Friday that SA must begin strategically managing migration rather than focusing on compliance‚ Gigaba said.

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Home Affairs to Host International Migration Conference

The Department of Home Affairs will host a two-day National International Migration Conference on 17-18 March 2017 at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg.

Minister Malusi Gigaba has identified the development of a new international migration policy as one of his top priorities during his term of office. This policy review seeks to lay a solid policy foundation for South Africa to manage international migration securely and effectively, in line with the National Development Plan. In the 2014/15 financial year, the Department of Home Affairs submitted a Discussion Paper on international migration to the Minister for approval. The Discussion Paper served as a basis for drafting the Green Paper, which was submitted in the 2015/16 financial year and approved by the Minister on 29 March 2016. The Green Paper has been used as a basis for drafting the White Paper on international migration to be submitted to Cabinet for approval by 31 March 2017.

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