25 illegal immigrants nabbed for contravening immigration act

25 illegal immigrants nabbed for contravening Immigration Act

At least 25 illegal foreign nationals has been arrested for contravening the Immigration Act, Cape Town Police said on Thursday.

Is an African passport the right solution to SA's immigration problems?

Is an African passport the right solution to SA’s immigration problems?

If home affairs comes knocking will your workforce be compliant?

SA looking at ways to simplify travelling with minors: Gigaba

SA looking at ways to simplify travelling with minors: Gigaba

Home Affairs wants to simplify the current requirements of travelling with minors, which requires a person travelling to and from South Africa to have an unabridged birth certificate, said Minister Malusi Gigaba.

In-house Immigration Engagement Accountant

Immigration Engagements Accountant to Compliment Business Visa Service

Applying for Business Visa in South Africa can be both time-consuming and complex. Amendments to the Immigration Act No.13 of 2002 make it possible for an Immigration Engagements Accountant to issue certificates for Business Visa purposes. Whereas before only registered CA(SA) could perform this function.

Department of Home Affairs to enforce legal immigrant employment

Department of Home Affairs To Enforce Legal Immigrant Employment

Companies may expect “a knock on the door” from the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) to conduct required audits and investigations on their employment practices of immigrant workers, Director from the DHA’s Corporate Account Unit, Ben Makhalemele has warned.