Could opening South Africa's borders lead to job creation

Could opening South Africa’s borders lead to job creation?

While President Ramaphosa courts global leaders for foreign direct investment, the headache of how to create jobs in South Africa’s struggling economy persists. There is clearly a need to be innovative and think outside the box. Here we ask: would loosening immigration control, making it easier for non-South Africans to enter and work, lead to […]

Encourage youth to enter scarce skills

Encourage Youth To Enter Scarce Skills

According to the Artisan Training Institute (ATI), the current industry shortage of skilled artisans in some trades, offers an alternative and often an even more secure choice as a career path, than securing a university degree. A number of trend reports, including the Department of Higher Education and Training’s National Scarce Skills List, supports this […]

Kenya to open more diplomatic offices

Kenya to open more diplomatic offices

Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma said Kenya will open 12 new diplomatic offices in three years. Kenya will have six full resident missions in Accra, Abidjan, Dakar, Djibouti, Maputo and Rabat, four consulates in Goma, Lagos, Arusha and Cape Town and two liaison offices in Kismayu and Hargeisa.

Minister Angie Motshekga discusses South Africa's critical skills shortage

Minister Angie Motshekga discusses South Africa’s Critical Skills Shortage

“Expat and international mobility group Xpatweb has recently published the results of its critical skills survey, which lists the types of skills and sectors which companies have identified as being the most lacking in South Africa. These ‘most needed’ skills were identified as follows: Engineers, ICT specialists and specialised technical skills.” Minister Angie Motshekga