Do I Qualify For Permanent Residency In South Africa?
/in Archived, News /by xp-adminThe global trend of skills migration has resulted in numerous positions becoming vacant in South Africa. This means that foreigners with the desired skills are next in line to climb the company ladder, which makes residing in South Africa much more appealing.
The Expat Spouse: Unable To Work While Their Partners Work Abroad
/in Archived, News /by xp-adminExpat spouses are likely to accompany their partners when they relocate for work. However, their hopes of also getting work are often dashed because their spousal visas prohibit them from working in that country. They soon find themselves pinned down in a foreign country while their careers are placed on hold.
Digital Vax Cards To Simplify Post-Pandemic Travel
/in Archived, News /by xp-adminAs the world wakes from its slumber, there is a renewed focus on the effects the pandemic had on the travel industry. The light at the end of the tunnel comes in the wake of extensive COVID-testing and collaborative vaccine rollouts.
Covid And The Current Global Movement
/in Archived, News /by xp-adminWhile 20 land borders are fully operational, 33 borders remain closed due to the number of Covid infections and the imposed travel regulations.
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In the News
- Home Affairs almost there with clearing the visa backlog, but not quite
- Ramaphosa clarifies: Nigerians still need a passport when applying for a visa to visit SA
- Welcome reprieve for ZEP holders at the eleventh hour
- Another deadline stares ZEP holders in South Africa in the face
- DHA visa backlog 80% cleared, so it should not steal your Xmas cheer