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2024, News, Visa Category

Minister Schreiber Engages with Business Leaders to Foster Economic Growth

The newly appointed Minister of the Department of Home Affairs, Dr. Leon Schreiber, held a pivotal meeting with key stakeholders in South Africa’s business community. The session, scheduled by Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) and Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA), included the attendance of senior team members such as Director General of the Department of Home Affairs, Mr. Makhode.

The session focused on areas such as encouraging foreign direct investment, increased tourism and mobilising skills which in turn creates employment.

2024, News, Visa Category

Visums: Elke dag raak nóg 150 agter

Die departement van binnelandse sake se agterstand met die uitreiking van visums groei elke dag met tot 150 omdat hulle net die helfte van daaglikse aansoeke kan verwerk. 

 Só sê Phindiwe Mbhele, ’n direkteur in die departement. Volgens hom ontvang die departement sowat 300 visum-aansoeke per dag, maar kan net 120 tot 150 per dag uitreik. 

Remote Work Visa vs Section 11(2) Visa | South Africa
2024, News, Visa Category

New Remote Work Visa vs Section 11(2) Visitor’s Visa – What you need to know

A significant change introduced by the newly gazetted regulations on 20 May 2024, was the implementation of the Remote Work Visa in South Africa. This visa allows individuals employed by foreign companies to work remotely in South Africa. This is similar to the digital nomad visas now popular in many countries across the globe.

The Remote Work Visa should not be confused with the Short Term Work Visa, also known as a Section 11(2) visa. This visa is specifically intended for foreign nationals conducting short-term work-related activities and hosted by a South African company.

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