Retire with wealth in South Africa

South Africa’s Retired Person’s visa program is among the topmost accessible visa regimes, offering one of the most affordable retirement visa options globally.  The defining attractions to the SA retirement visa are the absence of an age requirement, the option to work in certain circumstances, a swift adjudication time and the low-cost financial requirement of […]

Why all mobility professionals should attend Xpatweb’s Virtual Immigration Workshop

Navigating South Africa’s current immigration landscape can be complex and cumbersome, ensuring you are fully cognizant of the processes and procedures is paramount to a successful outcome.

The Isle of Man hosts 800 South Africans – boasting as popular relocation destination

Tax Consulting South Africa and Xpatweb visited the Isle of Man over the weekend of 23 September for the first Saffas festival, where over 800 South Africans living and working on the Island were hosted.

Department of Home Affairs Confirms Visa Backlog Has Increased to over 74 000, but Xpatweb says they see improvement

Department of Home Affairs Confirms Visa Backlog Has Increased to over 74 000, but Xpatweb says they see improvement

The Critical Skills Crisis – A Problem Mitigated by Data-Driven Evidence

SA continues to face a critical skills crisis, but Xpatweb’s Critical Skills Survey could be key in mitigating this crisis.