Netherlands Now Top Ranked Destination for Professional South Africans

Netherlands Now Top Ranked Destination For Professional South Africans

Tax Consulting South Africa and Xpatweb, South Africa’s largest tax and international mobility practice respectively, returned this week from the Netherlands after hosting tax and immigration planning sessions with recently emigrated South Africans.

The New Critical Skills List – A Firm Offer Of Employment Is A Must

The new Critical Skills List that was gazetted in February 2022 and subsequently the Directive that was issued in the same month, comes with an array of changes which can be daunting for those looking to either apply for or renew their Critical Skills Work Visa.

There is a new critical skills list. Do I still qualify for Permanent Residency?

There Is A New Critical Skills List. Do I Still Qualify For Permanent Residency?

It is common knowledge that South Africa has a high unemployment rate and a shortage of suitably qualified/skilled persons. However, South Africa continues to be the destination which expatriates, multi-nationals and investors see as the land of hope, growth, and new beginnings.

NQF requirements of the Critical Skills List.

NQF Requirements Of The Critical Skills List

The Critical Skills List has been used to determine whether an applicant is eligible for a Critical Skills Work Visa, this has been a steadfast requirement for some time. However, with the release of the new Critical Skills List as of 2nd February 2022, the Department of Home Affairs will now dictate the eligibility for […]

Engineering Occupations Remain Prevalent

Engineering Occupations Remain Prevalent

The new Critical Skills list, which was gazetted in February 2022, includes numerous Engineering occupations such as Electrical, Chemical and Mining Engineers, which were left off of the draft list.