South Africans Should Take Advantage Of Booming Global Employment Opportunities When Immigrating

Despite COVID-19 and accompanying lockdowns, many international markets are seeing a surge in recruitment as optimistic companies prepare for an economic rebound.

Occupations in the engineering sector remains most in demand

We Must Interrogate The Manufactured Controversy Over Cuban Engineers Coming To South Africa

The disquiet over the “importation” of Cuban engineers by the government brings to the fore an important discussion on skills and unemployment in South Africa, and how we debate. Until now, many South Africans would have been under the impression that this country suffers a skills shortage, particularly in technical and specialised fields.

SA's Healthcare Future Bleak Amid International Nurse's Day Celebrations


On 12 May 2021, International Nurse’s Day was celebrated in South Africa, where nurses and healthcare workers remain fighting on the frontline against the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

South African General Work Visa Permit

South African General Work Visa

SA General Work Permit / Visa Requirements: How To Apply If you are a foreign national with a keen interest to live and work in South Africa you may apply for a general work permit / viA. However, there are a vast array of categories to consider before filing a formal application.